Balancing Your Body for Baby: How TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Help Your Fertility

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been treating fertility effectively for over two thousand years, long before Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) was a twinkle in anyone’s eye.

Since more and more couples are meeting the extremely emotional and painful road-block of infertility, knowing the three organs that play a big part in creating a healthy, fertile body, is more crucial than ever.

In TCM, your body, mind and spirit are an interconnected system. Thus, you are a full unit. In your body, all of your organs act together as a system. Yes, you have separate organs that have specialized duties, but the overall role of any organ is to sustain a healthy, functioning system.

When you balance the Liver, Kidneys/Adrenals and Spleen/Pancreas, you offer your system - your body – with the healthy equilibrium it requires for accessing fertility.

This article offers the following crucial facts about each of these organs:

  1. What the organ accomplishes in the body ?(its basic function according to TCM vs. Western Medicine) 
  2. How to spot indications of imbalance ?
  3. How to fix imbalance?
  4. Why these modifications are needed to boost fertility?


The Liver is important for the steady flow of energy and blood throughout the whole body. The Liver is also responsible for cleansing everything that passes through the body (food, fluids, poisons, emotions, pollutants… everything!) The Liver also plays a critical function in digestion, hormone balance, and proper menstruation.


Endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, painful menstruation (cramps, PMS, blood clots), irritable intestines, migraines, disturbed sleep (particularly between 1:00 & 3:00 am), irritability, rage, irritation, impatience, stress.


The Liver reacts well to a balanced diet, devoid of chemicals, poisons, and overindulgence. You may assist your Liver smooth out your energy flow by the frequent usage of stress reduction treatments (deep breathing, bodily movement, fresh water, castor oil packs, cleaning, acupuncture, meditation).

  • WHY is it IMPORTANT:

The energy in your reproductive system must be flowing for conception and birth to happen. Your inner landscape must not be a poisonous trash dump or fresh life will have a tough time developing. As also, any nutritional supplements you may be taking cannot operate properly in a hazardous environment.


The Pancreas is seen in TCM as being part of the Spleen. The Spleen is responsible for accepting food, converting the food into nutrients, and distributing the nutrients via your blood to your complete system. The Spleen is crucial for sufficient blood flow in your body.


Poor appetite, afternoon weariness, sugar/carbohydrate cravings, loose stools, lethargy, compulsive or over thinking, feeling trapped.


The Spleen thrives on regularity, is significantly burdened by overeating, is weakened by unsuitable diets (most specifically excess carbs), and requires a balance of macronutrients to maintain good function in the body.

Macronutrients are Proteins, Carbohydrates and Essential Fats. Our bodies absorb Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) from the macronutrients we consume.

  • WHY is it IMPORTANT:

The Spleen is the organ that feeds your whole system. Equally as crucial as avoiding letting your inner terrain to become a toxic waste dump, is providing your inner terrain the nutritious nutrients they require to operate. 

If your Spleen is loaded with high blood sugar and/or inadequate nourishment, then your hormone balance suffers. This immediately impacts your body’s capacity to conceive.


The Kidneys and Adrenals are likewise a united organ according to TCM. The Kidneys are crucial for reproduction and birth.

The condition of the Kidneys influences egg quality and sperm quality. The Kidneys are the battery pack of your system. They help your Liver and Spleen. Unhealthy Kidney function, according to TCM, makes conception harder.


Lower back discomfort or soreness, fatigued or damaged legs/knees/ankles, frequent urination, loss of vigor, easily chilly or hot flashes, frequent emotions of panic, stress, overworking, diminished sexual desire.


The Kidneys certainly require ample sleep, ideally undisturbed. Balancing labor with relaxation is crucial to the Kidneys. Explore techniques to channel excess sensations of fear toward sentiments of trust, optimism and inner calm.


It is during sleep that your body regenerates heals and revitalizes. Getting adequate undisturbed sleep directly helps to your fertility. Not overworking offers your Kidneys a time to recuperate from the energy they need to operate.

The adrenal glands get tremendously strained when they have to release adrenaline chemicals to counterbalance your reactions to stress all day long.

 Finding methods to react to your life with more calm and less “fight-or-flight” will relieve the strain off your adrenals, which in turn, maintains the balance of your overall hormone system.

Even though there are twelve basic organ systems in TCM, you now have enough to concentrate on with just these three. If you rigorously begin supporting these three organs, this will assist you come quite a little closer to attaining your goal of becoming a parent. I wish you a successful fertility journey.


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